I. General provisions

The below provisions constitute the privacy policy (hereinafter: the “Privacy Policy”) which specifies information on collecting data, including personal data of the users of services provided by the Personal Data Controller - WT. Sp z.o.o (hereinafter: the “Controller”) with its registered office in Stolno, Trzebiełuch 34, 86-212 Stolno, Poland, with Tax Identification Number [NIP]: 9671451869, and manner of its processing.

II. Personal Data

The Controller shall use its best efforts so that the operated website “” makes it easier for each user to browse the website and place orders. Therefore, for the purposes of safety and convenience of shopping we inform that by visiting the website you consent to the shop using cookie files and other personal data submitted voluntarily. Data which you are asked for in the order forms is necessary for the operation of the website or provision of the service. Submitting data is voluntary. Not submitting the required data blocks the activity which the data concerns.

III. Types and the purpose of the data

Customers’ personal data which is processed: When registering, the following information is submitted: forename and surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number, delivery address, data necessary for issuance of an invoice. We do not process sensitive data, defined in the general data protection regulation as special categories of personal data.

Personal data is processed for the purpose of:
1. Performing this contract, including order processing, shipment execution, invoice issuance, return of goods.
2. Marketing, on the basis of granted consent which may be withdrawn at any time.

Processing time: Personal data is stored during the time of having the account on the website, with stipulation that the right to process data is retained, also after closing the account, in the cases necessary in the view of the applicable provisions of law or justified interests of the controller.

Sharing data: Personal data processed by the Controller may be transferred or shared to the contractors of courier, IT, bank, accounting or legal services.

Publicly available Personal Data: Personal data submitted on the Controller’s websites when sending comments, opinions, etc. is available to all visitors of the websites which contain this data. The Controller cannot protect you against the private persons or companies which use this data to send you undefined information. Therefore, this data is not subject to the “Privacy Policy”.

Cookie Files: The Controller collects data included in the cookie files automatically when using the website of the online shop. Cookie files, i.e. small text files, are sent to the Internet user’s computer and identify it in a manner necessary to make individual operation, e.g. authentication, collecting statistical data or recording data in the contact or order forms.

Cookie files are harmless to the computer or its user and its data. The condition for the cookie files to work is their acceptance by the browser and not removing from the disc. In many cases, the software for browsing the websites (browsers) allows for storing cookie files in the final user’s device by default. However, changes in settings regarding the cookie files can be made in the browser settings, particularly in a manner to block their automatic operation in the browser settings or inform each time of their placing in the final user’s device. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of cookie files operation is available in the browser software settings. The website or its individual functionalities may however not work correctly without the cookie files.

Subscription of newsletters free of charge: Subscribing of electronic or free of charge newsletters which belong to the Controller requires submitting e-mail address and other data, e.g. forename and surname, etc. in the suitable form as well as giving a consent. Data obtained in this manner is added to the e-mail list of the websites.

News: The Controller reserves its right to send news to persons which personal data is possessed and which has given consent to processing data submitted in the forms, subject to the Privacy Policy. By news the Controller means information related directly to its websites, services and products (e.g. changes, internal promotions), non-commercial letters (e.g. wishes, personal comments, etc.) and commercial information (mailings, promotions, advertisements, other marketing materials). Entities which commission commercial mailings do not have access to the contact data of persons on the address lists of the Controller.

Other forms: Forms, pop-up windows and other forms appearing on the Controller’s websites and regarding services, products, websites not operated by the Controller are not subject to the “Privacy Policy”.

IV. Users entitlements regarding personal data and data protection

The Controller ensures the users which provide personal data to execute entitlements resulting from the regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”) as well as other applicable regulations regarding personal data protection, including the right to demand to supplement, update, rectify personal data, temporary or permanent withholding its processing or removing, if it is incomplete, outdated, incorrect or collected with the violation of the Act or is already unnecessary to execute the purpose for which it was collected.

1. The right to be informed
Person of which data is processed has the right to:
- Confirmation that its data is processed,
- Obtain information on what data is stored and for how long, for what purpose is it used and whom is it shared to,
- information on the manner of obtaining data,
- information on the right the person is entitled to.

2. The right to correct data Person whose data is processed may file a request for the data correction if it is incorrect or incomplete.

3. The right to be forgotten. Person whose data is processed may file a request to remove its personal data. The Collector may refuse it if the processing is necessary: to perform legal obligation or protect the justified legal interest of the Controller. The user has the right to remove its personal data at any time by e-mail contact to the address

4. The right to restrict processing. Request for restriction of data processing may be submitted if the correctness of data or its manner of processing is being questioned or in the event of making an objection.

5. The right to transfer data. Person whose data is processed may file a request to transfer its personal data to other controller. The request is being considered if the data is processed in an automated manner and on the basis of granted consent.

6. The right to object. Person whose data is being processed, who considers processing of its personal data illegal or infringing its entitlements or freedoms, may object to processing its data.

7. In the event of infringement of provisions of European Parliament and Commission (EU) regulation 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Direcitve 95/46/EC (GDPR), the person whose data refers to may lodge a compliant to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection. After proceedings is conducted in the case, the General Inspector - if the regulations were infringed - orders to reinstate compliance with the law by means of decision.

Contact details:
The Office for Personal Data Protection
ul. Stawki 2
00-193 Warsaw
tel. 22 531 03 00
fax. 22 531 03 01

V. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

The Controller reserves its right to make amendments to the Privacy Policy. Current “Privacy Policy” applies to each user of the website owned by the Controller. The Controller will inform about amendments to the Privacy Policy on the websites.

VI. Additional information

The Controller uses technical and organizational means which aim at the best protection of gathered personal data against unauthorized access or improper use by the unauthorized persons. The Controller does not make any automated decisions based on the processed personal data, including decisions resulting from the profiling.

We are open to your opinions and all additional information which may be necessary with regard to processing your data, please contact the Controller’s Representative competent for personal data protection - Szymon Plewka (, tel. +48 566522843). Based on your personal data, the Controller will not take automated decisions, including decisions resulting from the profiling.